Monday, July 20, 2009


The main component of green tea is Catechins, which has many healthy effects: Reduces incidence of cancer because it can prevent cancer cells from dividing.
Reduces tumors
Reduces mutations
Reduces oxidation by active oxygen
Lowers blood cholesterol
Inhibits increase of blood pressure
Inhibits increase of blood sugar
Kills bacteria
Kills influenza virus
Fights cariogenic bacteria
Prevents halitosis

Green tea has caffeine, which can stimulate wakefulness
and act as diuretic.

Vitamin C in green tea can reduce stress and prevent flu.

Vitamin B Complex can aid carbohydrate metabolism.

r-Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) can lower blood pressure.

Flavonoids in green tea can strengthen blood vessel walls
and prevent halitosis.

Polysaccharides can lower blood sugar.

Fluoride in green tea can prevent cavities.

Vitamin E acts as antioxidant and regulates aging

Theanine in green tea is a kind of amino acid. It gives
green tea its delicious taste

A research in Japan shows that everybody older than 40 has cancer cells in his/her body. Those who don't suffer from concer usually drink green tea. That's why many people in Europe prefer green tea than coffee. 

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